Press for my installation Seeing Remnants in Life, my recent performance Tying/Untying and Soft Touch!

Recent mentions in The Seattle Times and Crosscut! (Click the links to read the articles.) It was fun to be out of town and find a copy of the article on Buy Nothing in the Sunday Seattle Times with a reproduction of my Jean Body sculpture, You’ve Been On My Mind! There something about being with something physically, holding it in your hands, that makes it feel real.

Virtual Book Club this Wednesday, March 1 from 6-7pm; join us on Instagram LIVE. Ellen McGivern and I will be discussing Circe by Madeline Miller. Check my companion book list for an insight into what inspires me! If you haven’t been to the Kirkland Library yet to see my installation, Seeing Remnants in Life, make sure you head over this month! It’s open through March 30.

Remnants are the leftovers in life. Frequently seen as invaluable and discarded. Remnants can be powerful when given a voice or even our attention. Choosing to notice and acknowledge what we throw away can inform what we take in. I ask myself what have I discarded recently and wasted without need? What do I take for granted, as a given? If I put in a little effort can I make that remnant a desired whole again? Reestablishing its value? Or give new life?

Megan Prince: Seeing Remnants in Life, featuring two large-scale works, is up now through March 30, 2023 the Kirkland Library, KCLS in partnership with The Kirkland Arts Center. This project is also supported, in part, by a grant from 4Culture.